Living Environment Translated English 2014 | Page 29

57. Pioneer species- organisms that are the first to live in an previously uninhabited area 58. Secondary succession- reestablishment of a damaged ecosystem in an area where the soil is still intact 59. Climax community- a stage of succession community of plants that is relatively stable and undisturbed and has reached an end 60. Native species- an organism that naturally lives in an ecosystem 61. Introduced species- an organism that does not naturally live in an ecosystem and is brought into a foreign ecosystem 62. Sustainability- the ability of an ecosystem to maintain itself without using up all of its natural resources B. General Notes: 1. The biosphere is the portion of the Earth that supports life. 2. Biomes are large geographic areas that have similar climates and ecosystems. a. Tundra- cold, dry, treeless biome with less than 25 cm of precipitation each year, a short growing season, covered by ice most of the year, and winters that can be six to nine months. b. Taiga- world’s largest biome, located south of the tundra , has long, cold winters, precipitation between 35-100 cm a year, cone-bearing evergreen trees ( conifers) and dense forests c. Temperate deciduous forests- biome that usually has four seasons ( winter, spring, summer, fall) , precipitation between 75 cm and 1500 cm, and climax communities of deciduous trees . d. Temperate rain forest- biome with 200cm-400cm precipitation each year, average temperature between 90C