Living An Authentic Life 1 | Page 5

Introduction to AUTHENTIC LIVING There is no greater luxury than simplicity. While at first it may sound like a contradiction consider what we define as luxurious. They are designed to bring us a hassle-free, efficient and enjoyable experiences. They are meant to allow us to do more, to delegate, and to focus on what we consider to be valuable. Many people desire a more balanced, graceful and uncomplicated life. But are we exercising simplicity each day? To fully live in a state of wholeness it requires that we allow our true self to come to light. WHAT IS AN AUTHENTIC LIFE? An authentic life is the result of consistently choosing to live true to ourselves each day. Authenticity comes from a place deep within us. We live genuinely when our words and actions align with our beliefs and values. Living an authentic life involves trusting our own judgment, living a life where we feel free from constraints and making choices that leave us feeling happy & empowered. When we choose authenticity we set in motion being honest with ourselves. It is the time we embrace our faults, our shortcomings and be proud of our distinctive talents and abilities. We recognize our limitations and embrace vulnerability. This may mean making difficult and confronting decisions or acknowledging aspects of our lives and ourselves that we once thought better to hide away. Accepting ourselves fully allows us to live more openly, truthfully and more engaged with the world around us. Living authentically requires us to recognize who we are and to consistently align ourselves to our own ideals & values. Herein lays the opportunity to create an authentic life that is unique to you and you alone. So much of our beliefs and values are shaped by the people around us and our past experiences. There are many things that we adhere to which we’ve carried throughout childhood, some of which we are taught as facts, as things that we should not question. Of all the beliefs and values that we carry, which ones do we truly observe, and which do we simply keep in order for others to perceive us as we want them to? [5] l i v i n g a n a u t h e n t i c l i f e CC B Y - NC - N D 4 . 0