Living An Authentic Life 1 | Page 4

Words from the author

Living authentically begins with making a commitment to yourself ; a promise to embrace each day with the awareness that life is truly what we make of it , and that we have the power to live a gratifying and joyful life that resonates with our values and beliefs .
While I have done my best to adhere to authenticity , including it in my life in its entirety truly began with the launch of ‘ Life , Happiness , and Inspiration ’ in December 2015 . This blog had been a project on my to-do list for almost five years , the effect of a fast-paced business life that I had made my priority .
It was only when I came to terms with why I had delayed publishing that I realized : I was being inauthentic with myself . While I found my personal life to be energetic , rewarding , and filled with love , my career kept demanding more of my time and energy . In my haste , I had neglected to ask myself if I was both capable and truly willing to devote more of myself to my business . And if doing so , would it bring me inspiration that had always been a part of my personal life .
This discovery inspired me to make a change . Reconciling my personal and business lives became a priority . Embracing both aspects of me wholeheartedly , instead of feeling as though they were constantly at odds motivated me to be honest with myself . It was this journey of reconciliation that inspired ‘ Living an Authentic Life ’ which I am happy to share with you today .
My past experiences have taught me that the path to living authentically does not come without effort , but these are vastly outweighed by its rewards . In this book you ’ ll find the steps that I took to embrace authenticity in all aspects of my life . I hope that it bring you the same sense of happiness and fulfillment that it has brought me .

Kari Shea www . kslove . us name surname © Copyright 2014