Embrace the Quiet
Not everyone loves the quiet, but I
invite you to make an effort. Silence
leaves us alone with our thoughts,
our emotions and ourselves. Maybe
for some this can be frightening,
unbearable, lonely, or boring. At
times we may consciously avoid
stillness by telling ourselves we are
too busy. If any of the behaviors
or feelings sounds familiar to you,
then here’s what I can recommend:
Learn to embrace the silence. Settle
down and be still if even for five
minutes. You will be amazed at what
you discover when you pause then
grant yourself peace and quiet.
Relax, to hear out your own
thoughts and feelings. Revel in your
own tranquil surroundings, and
cherish the insight and calmness
that the quiet has to offer. We find
ourselves surrounded by noise and
sound so often we ignore our inner
voice or forget the comfort that
comes with silence. Quietude is an
ideal way to center oneself and find
perspective. It allows observing life
from a place of calmness, objectivity
and offers us the chance for deeper
Make a promise to yourself to pause
for at least a few moments each
day. Reconnecting with your inner
self is the key to lasting happiness
and success.
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