Liverpool Law Society’s Annual General Meeting
26th November 2013
Four new directors were elected to the Society’s General
Committee in an exciting contested election. The congratulations
of the Society go to the four directors: Nicky Benson (Bermans)
Kirsty McKno (Breens Solicitors), Adele Schofield (The Berkson
Globe Partnership) and Philip Whitehurst (DWF) who join the
General Committee for a three year period. The thanks of the
President on behalf of the Society went to the retiring directors:
Cathy Fielding, Paul Marsh and Paula Widdison for their
contribution to the Society over the years.
The accounts were presented by the Hon. Treasurer for whom there
were no questions from the floor and then President Alistair
Fletcher reported on his activities and the Society’s work
throughout the previous 12 months which for him included 172
meetings and functions.
Alistair spoke about his three key themes that he pursued:
connecting youngsters, connecting professionals and connecting
excellence. He said “it’s been great to meet with, and work
alongside, the LEP, Liverpool Vision and the Chamber of Commerce
in seeking the success of our City.”
Alistair also spoke about the challenges facing the legal profession
commenting “Radical changes have been made in civil litigation.
Publicly funded legal aid has been drastically reduced. Clients have
become increasingly aware of their buying power in a contracting
market. New entrants with different structures and objectives have
entered, and irrevocably changed, the legal services industry. We
have experienced new challenges from our Regulator and indemnity
insurers. All of this has led to falling profits, diminishing jobs,
increasing mergers and, occasionally, failing firms.”
However, the President ended on a positive note “Our economy is
emerging from recession…There will be a growing demand for
legal services. And for those that have adapted to the brave new
world we are now entering, there are some amazing opportunities”.
The General Committee were thanked, by the President and by the
members, for their work over the previous 12 months.
Prizes were awarded for achievement in professional examinations
based on the results of the Legal Practice Course at the University
of Law in Chester and from the Liverpool John Moores University.
Miss Elan Iorwerth
Dan Tyler
Helen Jamieson
Jennifer Massingham
Timpron Martin
Rupert Bremner
Enoch Harvey
Firm of Prizewinner
Hill Dickinson
Paul Crowley & Co
A further two Liverpool Law Society Prizes were awarded. The E.
Rex Makin Prize is awarded to the youngest Solicitor to be admitted
to the roll in the Liverpool constituency. The winner was James
Birch of Hill Dickinson. The Muir Matthews Prize was awarded to a
young/trainee solicitor in Liverpool who is judged to have made the
largest contribution on an all-round basis. The winner was Miss
Sarah Achilles who is working with Quality Solicitors Keith Park.
After the close of the formal part of the meeting, members, prize
winners and their guests enjoyed a wine and canapés reception
kindly sponsored by NatWest and Wesleyan for Lawyers.