LIVE, your guide for student life September 2014 | Page 13
on the first three months. She
tried to make connection to
university life by making new
friends and going out for dinner
with others. On Christmas holiday, she went for solo-travel to
Switzerland for the first time. “It
was exciting experience, I could
enjoy my time alone, discovered
new things about myself and did
everything that I really wanted to
do. You don’t have to bother
others,” says Yuying.
Faustina Myra, international student from Indonesia -who has
been here for a year- shared her
experience how to cope homesickness. Rather than confused of
being alone, she preferred to find
a part time job on one of restaurant in Birmingham city centre
to spend her spare time. She got
opportunities to cultivate a social
life from her work environment.
Beside that, she joint internship
program about business for three
months during summer break.
There are many other ways to help
balancing your emotional support,
by seeking out activities that you
enjoy the most.
Finally, you can
still go home for
some time to get
more nurtured
and emotionally