Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 87

BEN Ben Makepeace, aka BenSquig has been around tabletop wargaming for almost 20 years. He worked at Games Workshop for 12 of those years. His first love was the crea- tive aspects of the hobby; painting and assembling. He pursued those interests over the years winning a few Golden Demon trophies, ‘Best Painted’ army awards, and also was a judge at the Australian Golden Demon finals. In the last six years his hobby has understandably diver- sified, and he has miniatures from dozens of manufacturers, many game systems, and several genres. Generally speaking, gaming has taken a back seat for Ben in recent years, but painting has continued. Three years ago Ben joined the Gametraders franchise, whose Franchisees are involved to vary- ing degrees in local Table-Top and Console gaming communities throughout SA, NSW, ACT and QLD. As a result Ben is heavily involved in the Small Business community in SA, and