Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 86

YOUR SAY WARGAMING BIOS WILL Will is a self-professed hobby but- terfly, flitting from project to project; never truly finishing one before an- other catches his eye. (though does anyone ever finish projects in this hobby). Introduced to Warhammer Fantasy Battles about 17 years ago, he was caught up in the stories and char- acters and the ability to represent them on a table. Since then he’s played pretty predominantly Games Workshop produced games and has collected many, many forces of varying sizes, most of which sit unpainted on a shelf. Happy to play anything his favourite is definitely Mordheim, so many amazing mo- ments and memories. The highlight is when playing “The Lost Prince” a vampire made it to the top of the tower where the young princeling was hiding, surrounded by enemies and with no way out, the two leapt from the tallest balcony (approxi- mately 15” high). With the prince- ling broken and dead at his feet the bewildered vampire fled the scene, cursing the frailties of men. Mord- heim is the one game where win- ning and losing is irrelevant since you still get to play strategic games, but ones with such a high element of storytelling. Will’s main inspiration in the hobby, and favourite area of it is in convert- ing and building models. Finding a cool element of a story or charac- ter and creating a new army around that theme. He likes to restrict him- self to certain elements of a faction and drill down into that visual aes- thetic to create a warband or army with a lot of character to it. Some of his favourites include his Arabyan Ogre Kingdoms army, Slaaneshi Pit Fighter warband, Dark Elf Corsair fleet – which includes a converted Dreadfleet ship, and his very WIP Space Ork army that has pillaged a museum (pirates, cowboys, gang- sters and egyptians). But his abso- lute favourite army is his next army. Will isn’t really a ‘gamer’ as such, he really enjoys playing the game, but more for the opportunity to create amazing/fun moments on the tab- letop. Due to the nature of convert- ing, his armies are always a little bit of a struggle to play with, but much fun is had regardless.