Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 59

diaries: Y OF RETRO EDITOR, PAUL MONOPOLI’S GAMING JOURNEY... Cross that I would lay eyes on my first ever US Super Nintendo. The boxy console was accompanied by a collection of cartridges, some genuine, but many of them pirates multi carts. I took the console home and nothing I could do would get it working. I owned an NTSC compat- ible TV, so that wasn’t the problem. There was nothing I could do, so I took it back and got store credit to buy a Nintendo 64 of my own with Goldeneye 64. I did end up keeping one of the con- trollers that came with the US Su- per Nintendo, though this was an accident. I found it a few days after returning it, though I always forgot to take it back. There are a few re- grets with that one, as I should have kept the games and negotiated a return price for the console. While I now owned the most cur- rent Nintendo system, I found my- self playing the previous generation far more. I was starting to become addicted to hunting down Super Nintendo games. If I wasn’t spend- ing time with Amy on the weekend I would be visiting Cash Convert- ers stores and buying up anything that looked interesting. A bit later in the year I signed up for an Ebay account which opened up a whole new world for me. On Ebay I was slow to get started, using the site as a way of seeing what was out there and then hunt-