Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 57
processors, the lightning fast
cartridges compared to the
slower CD-ROMs of Sony and
Sega and it’s sharp detailed
graphics. It outsold Sony and
Sega during it’s first few months
but in Japan it didn’t sell as
well as the PlayStation or the
Saturn. Some of the best video games
you can play came out on the
N64 including:
Gametraders stores regular-
ly report high demand for the
system and particularly the Pi-
kachu Edition that featured a
striking blue and yellow version
with a Pikachu on the system. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Mario Tennis
Pilotwings 64 (a favourite at the
Live offices)
Conker’s Bad Fur Day
Mario Party
Pokemon Snap
F-Zero X
Golden Eye 007 (brilliant multi-
Perfect Dark