Live Love Aspire - Welcome Edition Issue 01/Welcome Edition | Page 12

Do’s –

1. Men – please do plan dates in advance. Sure, it’s fun in the beginning and creates a certain level of spontaneity for us. But sooner or later, it gets old when we may have already made plans and you expect us to drop those plans because you called at the last minute to go on a date.

2. Women – please be ready for the date on time. Yes, I know that you are only trying to look your best but it’s really not cool to keep the guy waiting, particularly if he has made reservations. Try to time yourself on how long it takes you to put on your clothes and apply your make-up so you’ll be ready on time.

3. Men – please do be chivalrous. Open the car door for us or pull the chair out for us to sit. If we seem a bit parched, offer us another drink. Surprise us with flowers on the first date. We notice these things. The more chivalrous you are on a date, the better your chances of having a second one.

4. Women – please do be flirty. Throw your hair back. Cross your legs a little higher than normal. Let him know you really like him by subtle body languages. It will make him feel special and appreciated. Not to mention, it will turn up the heat!

5. Men – please do pay for the date. Women love it when a man pays for the date. Yes, I’m sure you’re thinking it would certainly be nice if a woman paid for the date once and awhile but on the first date, just stick with the traditional thing. Ask yourself the question, would you rather have it your way and not get a second date with a beautiful woman or would you like to impress her increasing your chances of getting that second date?

6. Women - please do feel free to give thanks and appreciation. It doesn’t cost you anything to say thanks to your date, even if the date didn’t turn out so well. If he at least paid for the date, despite anything else that happened on the date, he certainly deserves a thank you. Men really do like women who can give them appreciation and they tend to respond in kind.