4.4 Health and safety planning & contingencies
Before each race, the site’s safety was assessed for safety because there was severe rain throughout the day so parts of the course became slippery. The contingency plan (a 10km run) luckily was not used, but it would have been if the participants were athletes travelling faster (Ward-Callan, 2011). No attendees were injured during the set up and de-rig processes or because of unsafe equipment or poor site design which is very significant because of the weather conditions. Even if something had happened, all the staff and volunteers were fully briefed and knew what to do because they received a briefing and information about emergency procedures and contingency planning (Dover District Council, n.d.). The medical staff stated that it was “the best event information pack they had ever received”. This feedback provide evidence that the health and safety objectives were achieved. There was however one health and safety element that could have been improved which was crowd control because it was difficult to keep spectators off the course with the low volunteer numbers present (Vespasian Security, 2015; Work Safe Victoria, 2007).
5.0 Efficiency of financial management
Momentum Events aimed to aim at least £1000 for the selected charity and generate a 4:1 profit ratio. The team were very aware that there are a lot of costs associated with delivering sporting events and were initially wary of putting on such a large event due to not being provided with any existing budget. In order to work out if the event idea was feasible or not, the team drew up an equipment list to determine the different supplies necessary. From here, it was assessed which items had to be paid for, which may be donated and which were optional extras. The original hope was to secure an event sponsor to help with the finances but unfortunately this was not managed due to the short time scale available to do so. To counteract this problem, multiple fundraising events were run to provide an initial income prior to tickets going on sale. Another help was the huge amount of support offered by local businesses and suppliers due to this being a first-time event and its charity nature. Many services such as medical cover was provided free of charge, whereas others such as barrier and bike racking hire were given for reduced rates.