Litha Edition | Page 21

The Otherworld

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to mental and psychic matters occur , which include enlightenment , divination and inspiration .
The Underworld is where our ancestors are said to be , and is often described as a series of underwater caves and tunnels . It ’ s here where magickal workings towards emotional matters take place , such as processing grief , dealing with mental illness and healing past traumas .
Broomsticks & Belladonna
Veiled between these enchanting spheres is the setting for what ’ s known as the Witches ’ Sabbath . In classical folklore , witches would venture to the Otherworld on broomsticks with their faithful familiars to perform various magick and interact with spirits .
Legends also mention the use of flying ointment : a toxic mixture of mandrake , henbane and belladonna . Due to its hallucinogenic effects , it was particularly useful in hedgecrossing . While some choose to utilise it within their own practice , non-toxic versions can be made with mugwort and vervain .
The Witches ’ Sabbath still holds significance for practitioners , including Kelden , who frequently makes the magickal voyage . “ It ’ s at these spectral gatherings that I often feel a deep sense of connection to the folkloric heritage of witchcraft as well as the different spirits I work with .”
Ethereal Interactions
In the Otherworld , conversations manifest differently , and in Yrsa ’ s experience , a hedge-witch from Norway , “ knowing yourself ” is the first step in spirit work . “ Spirits speak to your higher self , which then translates the communication in your personal symbolism ,” she says . Yrsa ’ s journeys have helped her to understand herself better and reveals how “ hedge-crossing has answered every question I have ever had about myself , others and the universe ”.
Yrsa says that when she crosses over , she becomes intertwined with her spirit guide . In Norse mythology , this is called Fyglia and it ’ s the animal shape a person takes on during soul-flight . “ We share our bodies and our souls with one another . It is more of a melding of selves than two separate entities communing ,” Yrsa explains .
Kelden ’ s travels into mystical worlds and maintaining relationships with spirits has become a major aspect of his practice . “ While these spirits can often be encountered here in the physical realm , they are also available - and perhaps in ways more accessible - in their own world ,” he says . “ It ’ s here that I often feel the most attuned to my craft and powers as a witch ”.
The magickal essence of the Otherworld goes beyond the realms of folklore , and has shown itself to be significant in the narrative of witchcraft . And for contemporary practitioners , these unique experiences bring forth the answers to the mysteries within , and have furthered their connection to both their craft and the universe . ☾