Litha Edition | Page 16

Conversations with a Cosmic Coach Náoimí Smyth talks to an astrologer about her life coach work .

Conversations with a Cosmic Coach Náoimí Smyth talks to an astrologer about her life coach work .

There are many sides to Riss Cottrill : astrologer , author , artist , and - surprisingly - former scientist . From the rigid realm of laws and physics to the more fluid and mystical essence of the cosmos , she explains the magick of astrology and the significance it can play in becoming more in tune with ourselves .
For many years Cottrill was a scientist , but always had the lingering feeling that it was “ completely inauthentic ” to what she was here to do . To better understand herself , she started studying astrology , and quickly realised that it was her calling .
After going professional three years ago , Cottrill now makes a living by providing birth chart interpretations and cosmological readings on areas such as careers and relationships .
She also writes articles on astral events for Tamed Wild and crafts her own ritual candles and magickal herbal blends for her Etsy store , AllMyAncestors .
Shadows & Mirrors
“ The most common question that I get is people who want to make sure they ’ re on the right path and if they ’ re aligning with their purpose ,” Cottrill says . She ’ s not the type of astrologer that predicts the future , but instead utilises it within shadow work . “ I ’ m just acting as a mirror . I ’ m telling them what I see , but we ’ re working through it together ”.
Cottrill has helped people to “ move their blockages and patterning ”, and for her it ’ s nothing short of a gift . “ I love that they show me themselves raw and unfiltered ,” she says . “ People tell me things they don ’ t tell anyone else ”.
A big part of Cottrill ’ s work involves feeling in tune and “ being connected to spirit ”. In between the clients , candles , and content creation , finding the time to meditate is incredibly important for her career . “ Without it , I don ’ t really show up the best way that I can ”.
“ People tell me things they don ’ t tell anyone else .”
Language of the Galaxy
Google Trends data from last year showed that searches for “ birth chart ” and “ astrology ” both reached five-year peaks . With the doubtful times we find ourselves in , it ’ s not surprising that we feel more directed towards the mysteries of the cosmic landscape and the answers it might provide us with .
Through her work , Cottrill often meets people who feel overwhelmed to start shadow work and other self-awareness practices . Birth charts can provide a “ container for people to explore themselves in .” In turn , it can help you to connect to something “ a lot bigger than yourself ”.
Like the galaxy , Cottrill ’ s ambitions for the future are boundless . She wants to expand more into coaching , and take astrology with her as a powerful “ language to speak through ’’.
She ’ s also in the midst of creating groups for people to come together under the new and full moons to discuss all things cosmic and perform guided meditations .
Whether it ’ s written in the stars , or just a collection of chaos , it ’ s in our very essence to want to unearth the secrets and mysteries of life , and to make sense of the complexities embedded within and around us . And perhaps we ’ ll never completely understand - but there ’ s no harm in trying . ☾