Litha Edition | Page 15



been normalised online . Ali says that “ Wicca is a route to wisdom ”: the practices and principles of the craft can lead to a greater appreciation of the world around us , something that ’ s sorely needed today .
Physical location is just as important . Georgia says that in big cities , you might be safe to practice , “ but not in small towns .” And in many parts of the world , witchcraft is illegal or highly stigmatised , making WitchTok a safe haven .
Learning and watching
WitchTok is an opportunity for people to learn from each other in a way no other site has been able to emulate . “ If I want to learn something , I can just go on WitchTok ,” says Arran . “ It ’ s become such a rich platform for information , and it ’ s totally invaluable .”
It ’ s also an easier place to learn for so many because of the encouraging videos that feel more personal than blocks of text . Azize says that “ it makes me feel more connected and more inclined to do more research ,” and they felt motivated to embrace their craft because of the kindness of the community , especially to ‘ baby witches ’.
“ If I want to learn something , I can just go on WitchTok .”
Even though there can be a tendency to over-simplify on WitchTok , due to 1-minute time limits on videos , creators are often transparent about it , and Georgia says that creators are “ humbled ” by their platform , making it clear that they ’ re not the only sources of information .
It can also raise awareness of different practices worldwide – and what people shouldn ’ t be doing . Mars mentions that the use of white sage and palo santo is controversial among non-Native American communities , as they ’ re considered sacred , and are also endangered .
Ali says that witchcraft has become commodified : “ we live in a world that wants to slap a price tag on everything .”
Witchcraft ’ s growing popularity in recent years has seen commodification from all angles . From ‘ witch kits ’ available in some major shops all the way to fake crystals being sold online and mainstream press coverage turning it into a trend , there ’ s no end to its massive rise in popularity .
WitchTok gained a lot of publicity in July last year when a group of baby witches allegedly tried to hex the Sun and the Moon . The truth behind it is murky and it ’ s clear it had no effects , but it caused outrage among witch communities online , where it ’ s thought to have originated .
The debate about whether WitchTok will make people take the craft more seriously is still raging , but it seems to be drawing in as many people as it ’ s pushing away .
But there will always people who don ’ t take witchcraft or spirituality seriously because of its negative portrayals through history and even in modern media and society .
Regardless , those who interact with WitchTok know that the community brings people together in a new and exciting way . If one thing ’ s for certain , its popularity will continue to grow . WitchTok isn ’ t going anywhere any time soon . ☾