6. Who is your favorite book boyfriend from another author?
✧ This is an impossibly difficult question! I can’t choose just one. I’d say my top three at the moment (and this changes constantly) would be:
1) Archer Hale from Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan – I just reread that book,
2) JD Rafferty from Dark Paradise by Tami Hoag – this is one of my all-time oldie favorites, and
3) Lachlan Mount from Meghan March’s Mount trilogy.
7. What is your all-time favorite song?
✧ At Last by Etta James
8. Who is your unicorn author?
✧ I have unicorn books, does that count? I’d love to find the original cover of Kylie’s Scott’s Lick. And I’d probably die if I ever found Katja Millay’s original cover of The Sea of Tranquility.
9. What is your favorite brand of mascara?
✧ Urban Decay
10. What’s your favorite name out of all your characters?
✧ Rowen. I wrote The Coppersmith Farmhouse not long after my youngest son was born. When I was dreaming up names for Gigi’s daughter, I went back to my list of baby names. Rowen was at the top of my baby girl list. So even though we had a boy, I still got to use Rowen.