is extroverted personality,
knowledge about the language and experience as
former reporter make of him a
very special character in this story.
Christopher Ladd, my vocabulary
English teacher, has the gift and
ability to transport the students
through different scenarios while
he is in the process of teaching,
which make this class unique. The
teacher is so strict about attendance. As soon as the wall clock
point 1:00 PM he starts the class.
for a new battle every day with
all the tools possible, so he can
succeed in the battle of teaching a new language. Every time,
a student arrives late he makes a
brief pause to welcome him or her
in his own way. All students are
immigrants learning English as a
second language at Carlos Rosario International School.
On the board there is a variety
of topics: grammar, reading, writing, words families, prefixes and
suffixes and so forth. It seems
“Thank you very much for being on like nothing escapes the popular
time.” “Here [in the class] are the Mr. Ladd in his way of teaching
most important students,” he ex(the way the students call him) to
presses every day. He had found teach. He is like a warrior ready
a way to encourage his students
to keep on going in building their
vocabulary, which sooner or later
will allow them to succeed and
achieve their dreams.
As a good educator, he knows
every student’s name, as well as
the weaknesses and strengths of
each one of his learners. Quickly
he walks from his desk or any
other place he is standing up to
the board to write down what
will be the objectives of the day.
In his way, he begins saying to his
pupils what they will learn.
With a great X