Nurse Aide Training
My First Learning Experience
at Sibley Hospital
by Martha Lazo
My first learning experience at Sibley Hospital was nerve-wracking
because it was the first time that we were actually going to work with real
patients. It was the first time that we were going to practice what the
books say, not just read about it. That to me meant a lot because it felt
like I was trusted by carrying on such responsibilities. I was very excited
and even though I did the training very well in the lab I was worried
about messing up because one sole error can be very crucial. However I
felt prepared to take on responsibilities because I knew I was able to
accomplish them. More than that, I was eager because this is the field
where I would want to move up in the career ladder.
Overall, this first learning experience has gone so well that it has
inspired me to keep going and actually achieve a higher position. I felt
as though this was my place and where I want to grow. I met different
patients and gained different experiences from each and every one of
them. And that is something I won’t forget. I learned the importance of
teamwork and communication. Those two things put together wil get you
very far.
Teacher: Medina, AM