LiQUiFY Magazine October 2014 | Page 174

That’s Gold! Matty Aldridge sliding two types of liquid at the same time | Photo: Luke Sorensen I t had already been postponed once due to the ‘Lake Rainbow’ effect, and despite the second lot of dying swell threatening to kill the competition, Huey stuck in there and delivered one last pulse of knee-high peelers for the final day of this, the 31st Malfunction event. The waves might have been tiny, but the water and conditions were pristine - so much so that Matt Aldridge decided to take the BBQ out with him into the bay, downing a can of amber liquid mid-set whilst gliding up and down his board. Mini set after mini set rolled on through, stripping the usually intense competition vibe of the final day away and leaving nothing but family and friends to share in the joy of wave riding.