Lion's Roar October 2024 | Page 2


I am so thankful for the volunteers who serve so faithfully on our school board! The school board meets monthly throughout the calendar year (see the school calendar for dates) and sometimes has to meet in between regular meetings. They are responsible for prayerfully ensuring the school remains mission-centered at all times, has effective policies in place and uses them, and is continuously and strategically planning for the long-term sustainability of the school.

There are currently eight school board members: Kristin Chen (school board chairperson, CCS parent), Rhonda Swensen (MCN member), Danielle Marois (MCN member, CCS alum), Glenn Charette (MCN member), Kevin Baldwin (friend of CCS), Stephen Corbeil (MCN member), Scott Augustine (MCN member), and Pastor Dan Whitney (senior pastor of MCN). Our school board treasurer (not technically a school board member) is Dan Snyder (CCS alum).

Every school board member must have a Christian testimony, be active in his/her local church, support the school's Statement of Faith and Lifestyle Guidelines. Additionally, each school member is asked to prayerfully consider how s/he can specifically contribute his/her gifts and talents towards the mission of Christian education at CCS.

Each person commits to being a member of at least one board team. These teams include Board Admin Team, Board Policy Team, Finance Team, Development Team, Security Team, Tuition & Salary Review Team, and 501(c)3 Review Team. Each school board meeting begins with a general session (open to the public) and then moves to an executive session (to address confidential issues when they arise).

As you may know, Pastor Dan Whitney served as a school board chairperson for several years and is retiring in early November. His unfailing support of the CCS mission has been incredible and will be profoundly missed. Please pray for him as he heads into retirement, and pray for MCN (Manchester Church of the Nazarene) as they search for a new who will also love Christian education!

Tonya Snyder Head of School

Please consider supporting CCS by



from the Desk of the Head of School





  • 10/20-10/23 ReAccreditation Team Visit

  • 10/23 - Theme Day (full day of school)

  • 10/25 - Anti-Bullying Annual Assembly

  • 10/30 - Early Dismissal for Faculty In-Service

  • 10/28 - Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off (Chili)

  • 11/2 -CCS Vendor & Craft Fair

  • 11/6 & 11/7 Parent-Teacher Conferences (1:00 Dismissals)