Lion's Roar October 2023 | Page 3

Secondary Retreats Bring Students Together

Each fall our middle school retreat and high school retreat allow our students to spend time together outside of the classroom. Our goals are to promote relationships, explore our annual theme, and establish a foundation for a great year together!

This year the middle school retreat returned to two full school days. On the first day, students focused on serving others. They began the day with an off-site service project where they helped to organize the storage facility for The Street Church. Students organized clothing and other donated items that will be distributed in Hartford. While they were there, Bryan Bywater, the lead pastor, shared more about the ministry and the impact that it has in Hartford.

That afternoon our students were encouraged by a message from Pastor Chima of the Manchester Church of the Nazarene. The students rounded out the day by getting together with their CCS partner grades to get to know each other in preparation for the Cornerstone service opportunities that will arise this year. It was especially exciting for Grade 6 as this is the year these students transition from being the younger elementary partners to now being the older partners as they work together with Kindergarten.

On Friday, the middle school students began the day with another encouraging message and some team-building activities. They ended their retreat with an afternoon of fun together at Urban Air.

Our high school retreat began Thursday afternoon as they spent the last period of the day with a special challenge that focused on communication. Students had to recreate a “structure” using only instructions that were relayed to them in a fashion similar to the old “telephone game.” The goal was to provide an opportunity for students to engage with students from other grades and “break the ice” before attending the retreat the next day.

On Friday our high school students met at The Barn in Simsbury for a day full of fun and fellowship. Our guest speaker, Johniel John Edward of Our Savior Lutheran Church, challenged the students to keep God at LEVEL MAX in their lives. Later, a student team led a separate time of worship while continuing on in a time of prayer together. The messages and worship encouraged our students to always keep their eyes fixed on Jesus.

Throughout the day, students enjoyed plenty of opportunities to connect and get to know each other. Some of the highlights included the ultimate frisbee game and spike ball tournaments. Other students most enjoyed the time to just hang out and talk...and of course, enjoy s’mores around the campfire! This year’s Best of CCS had some of the best participation ever as each grade competed for this coveted title. This year, the title of Best of CCS went to the Class of 2025!