Lion's Roar October 2019 Lion's Roar | Page 2


Rachel Mihok, Class of 2016

Before coming to CCS in the 4th grade, Rachel Mihok had been homeschooled for all her schooling years. As the third child (of six), Rachel warmly recalls that season in her life, because she was able to craft, cook and learn in a relaxed atmosphere with her mother and siblings. Sadly, her family’s plan to homeschool through high school graduation changed when her mother unexpectedly passed away. Rachel’s father, Mike, had to quickly find a school for all of his children.

Initially, Rachel and four of her siblings attended Trinity Christian Academy in Windsor, CT. After completing that first partial school year, Mike needed another school to meet the growing needs of his children, so he selected CCS. Rachel began attending 4th grade with Mrs. Kristin Bateson, and eventually all six children were able to attend CCS.

Rachel fondly recalls her

days at CCS. She appreci-

ates the relationships that

she was able to form with the

teachers. She feels like

several teachers were also

her friends, and they have remained in her life since her graduation from high school. Rachel also values the relationships that were molded with older students through Covenant Groups, which were a part of the CCS curriculum at that time. When Rachel was in middle school, students were paired with older high school students and met once a week for the purposes of sharing a devotional time and praying together. This time made a large impact on Rachel, as she was able to establish community and felt less alienated in

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The CCS mission is "to engage and educate young people to know Christ and be equipped to impact the world for God's Kingdom." CCS employs five key strategies to aid in accomplishing the mission. The fifth key strategy is to provide a safe environment in which children are nurtured by prayerful faculty and staff.

This strategy is only able to be implemented due to the school board's commitment to hire only Christians who are active members of their local churches. Every faculty and staff member is a committed follower of Christ and understands that we cannot accomplish anything good apart from God's power and blessing. The faculty and staff is convinced that it is a great privilege to be able to submit our requests before the God of the universe!

To assist us in

praying faithfully,

the faculty and staff sets aside time each morning to meet together before the school day begins.

On Mondays, we meet in pairs to pray for specific names of students and their families; we have each child's name on an index card that is rotated through a couple of times each year. On Tuesdays, we meet with prayer partners to raise up our prayer requests. On Wednesdays, the faculty and staff meets together for a time of devotion and prayer. On Thursdays, we do prayer walks throughout the campus; and on Fridays, we delight in sharing praises with one another, which nearly always focus on the glimpses God gives us into the work He is doing amongst our student body.

Cornerstone students are deeply loved by their Creator, and He has given us the call to share His love with our students--your children. This enables us to work together to create a safe environment on all levels.

Tonya Snyder Head of School

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Alumni Feature

CCS Mission: Key Strategy #5

from the Desk of the Head of School