Lion's Roar November 2024 | Page 7

December 5, 2024



CCS Wishes a Happy Retirement to Pastor Dan Whitney

Pastor Dan Whitney has served as the Head Pastor of The Manchester Church of the Nazarene since May 2011. As the leader of the church, he also served as a leader of one of her biggest ministries — The Cornerstone Christian School. Pastor Dan’s leadership has blessed Cornerstone in palpable ways. They range from bravely leading us through the COVID shutdown, to endless building inspections, policy manual rewrites, finance committee meetings, and, of course, the hundreds of hot dogs and pounds of pulled pork he has cooked for our school functions!

When asked about his favorite school tradition, Pastor Dan answered, “I have always loved Grandparents’ Day.” In fact, Pastor Dan and his wife Nancy have been known to step in as honorary grandparents when a student’s grandparent or special guest was unavailable to attend.

During his last week before officially retiring, the CCS faculty honored Pastor Dan with a small celebration. The room was decorated with board games, representing one of his favorite pastimes, and delicious treats provided by our teachers. The Whitneys were showered with love, prayers, cards, and gifts to thank them for their selfless service to the school. We will miss Pastor Dan and Nancy dearly, but we pray for God’s blessings over their next steps.

you’re always helpful and kind

especially when we’re in a bind

you’re always fair and considerate

and help us when we’re in the thick of it

you’re always encouraging, you lift us up

and you always make us feel like we’re enough 11th Grade

your teachings have been an inspiration

your guidance and leadership a motivation

gracious and fun, your presence erases any gloom

your knowledge and intelligence light up the classroom

your talent with the piano outshines the moon

and when against evil our ears you do tune 9th Grade

your biblical knowledge has helped this community grow

out of your mouth, spiritual wisdom does flow

your works in kindness and spiritual acts

show us Jesus’ love never lacks

we will remember your passionate preaching

it’ll stay with us although you’re leaving 10th Grade

off to start living your retirement dream

you’ll always be with us no matter how far it may seem

as you take this new step in your life

may God guide you and keep you from strife

stay in the Word and your faith will multiply 12th Grade


Written by The Entirety of the Cornerstone Christian School High School Students