December 5, 2024
Our K-Prep class is wrapping up a unit called “My Family, My Community.”
Throughout the unit, the students learned that God created our families and placed us in a community to help each other. Jesus is the perfect example of a servant. We are to follow His example and use our gifts, talents, and abilities to serve others for His glory.
One of the highlights of this unit was the study on community helpers!
The K-Prep classroom was full of books, manipulatives, and clothing that encouraged students to explore the roles of various community helpers. The students also had opportunities to meet and interact with special guests.
Students learned about librarians by visiting our CCS library and hearing from former CCS Librarian, Mrs. Nancy Whitney. Each child loved having a chance to check out a book! K-Prep students were also visited by Sophie, a deaf service dog, and her handler. Students loved the visit from the Manchester Police Department and enjoyed climbing in the cruiser! Finally, the students met members of the Manchester Fire Department during our annual Fire Safety Assembly. Of course, meeting Sparky the Fire Dog was great fun as well!
Change is often challenging, but when the right changes are made, the results can be amazing! We are praising God for the way that He used a challenge to bring about a change that will impact and benefit our students now and in the future!
This year one of our largest elementary classes, Grade 3, was placed by default into one of our smallest elementary classrooms. It soon became evident that it was in the best interests of our students to find a larger location. The school administration, the church facilities team, and the classroom teacher worked together to solve this problem.
It became clear that the large room that housed our elementary library would make an ideal Grade 3 classroom. This decision was not reached easily, because we LOVE our library and the beautiful space that housed it. However, our commitment to providing the best, most developmentally appropriate environment for our students pushed us to embrace this change. Once the decision was made, we moved quickly! In less than two weeks, our Grade 3 students were at home in their new classroom, and our library books were on display in the library’s new, cozy space.
At Cornerstone, we are committed to finding creative solutions to overcome the challenges that we face!