Lion's Roar November 2020 Lion's Roar | Page 2


Mrs. Melanie Thurber

While 2020 has certainly brought many challenges, it has also brought us many blessings. For the Cornerstone Christian School, one of the blessings bestowed upon us this year has come in the form of Mrs. Melanie Thurber, Cornerstone’s new physical education (Pre-K through 12th grade) and 8th grade Bible teacher! Melanie is a long-time teacher, she but decided to take a hiatus from teaching when her own children were born. Now that they are old enough to be in school full days – and are attending CCS this year too! – Melanie decided it was a great time to resume teaching again.

Fueled by a passion to help kids improve their motor skills and physical fitness, Melanie is eager to see her students grow. Thinking about the year ahead she shared, “I am most excited about getting to know the students and building relationships with them. I [also] love watching students learn to enjoy a sport they had not liked or had the opportunity to

play before.” The fruit of

her labor has been seen

and heard on campus as

various grade levels have

enjoyed their class times

with Mrs. Thurber

outdoors during the

warmer weather we

experienced at the start

of the school year.

When we asked about

some of her favorite

things to do outside of

school hours, Melanie

told us, “Sleep is my

favorite!” She also enjoys eating, spending time with family and friends, camping, and playing basketball. Welcome to CCS, Mrs. Thurber!

We seem to live in a "day and age" when working together for the common good appears to be a foreign concept to so many. The world shouts at us from all angles to look out for ourselves. We hear it from advertisers, through the music industry, during political debates, and more. This, however, is so contrary to Jesus' teachings.

Jesus calls us to look out for the interests of others (Philippians 2:4). He reminds us that we need the whole body to work properly together as a whole (Ephesians 4:16). We are told that it is critical to be united in Christ instead of insisting on our own ways (1 Corinthians 1:10). We are instructed to be humble and to outdo one another in showing honor to others (Romans 12:10).

This crazy year of 2020 has provided us with some of the most practical learning opportunities to figure out what it means to "work together for the common good." It means we have to know what the common needs of people are, and we have to be willing to deny ourselves in order to meet the needs of others for the sake of their well-being. If there is a way that I might prosper that would have a negative effect on someone else, am I willing to say what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:33? Paul writes that he is not seeking his own profit but the profit of the many, so that they may be saved (NASB).

Cornerstone has been mightily blessed this year to have well over 100 families working together this year for the common good. It has been inconvenient to submit daily health screenings, to do daily temperature checks, to keep kids home even when we're pretty sure it's just a case of the common cold, and more. However, our coordinated efforts have helped us keep our doors open for the entire first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year. This is praiseworthy!

Tonya Snyder Head of School

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Teacher Feature

WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE COMMON GOOD from the Desk of the Head of School