Lion's Roar November 2019 Lion's Roar | Page 4




Running Club and the FitKids Program

For the past 6 weeks, many students in grades 4-12 participated in a Running Club as part of the Hartford Marathon Foundation’s “FitKids” program. FitKids encourages students to live a healthy lifestyle through running and individual goal-setting for increased activity. Not only does running meet the curricular goal of nurturing our physical bodies, but it also gives the students an excellent opportunity to encourage one another as they work together to set goals and then achieve them.

Initially, the club met on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the goal of running or walking two miles each time. Additional opportunities were added so that students could accumulate up to 25.2 miles. Then, on October 29, the participating students traveled by bus to Rentschler Field where they ran the “final mile” with thousands of other students across the state, thus completing the marathon total of 26.2 miles!

Many thanks to our teachers, Mrs. Lisa Randall and Miss Sarah Fearon, for co-leading and encouraging students through their participation. Additional thanks go to CCS parent, Ed Main, for introducing this program to CCS and helping our students to be successful. The Running Club and culminating event at Rentschler Field has become a highlight of the fall season!

Futsal and Street Soccer

Students in Kindergarten through Grade 2 were given an opportunity to participate in an after school soccer club this fall. Unlike traditional soccer programs, futsal places a large emphasis on developing technical skills within a fast-paced environment. Because futsal soccer balls are smaller, students gain better ball-handling skills while “thinking on their feet,” using quick reflexes and practicing pinpoint passing. What a fun way to learn the game of soccer!

Varsity Soccer

Despite a few early challenges, the CCS Varsity Soccer team concluded this year’s 13-game season successfully! Overall, the team had 10 wins, one loss and two tied games. The team scored a total of 65 goals and 46 assists with only 13 goals given up. That’s a ratio of five goals scored for the team to every one goal scored against them. Special thanks to our team captains (and seniors), Liza Kearney and Jeremy Gerhard, for their leadership to the team this season. We also recognize our other senior athletes (Ethan Russell, Jonah Hussey and Peter Sofianos) and thank them for their participation on the team over the years. We are extremely appreciative of our coaches, Keith Press, Brian Sullivan and Alex Clark. Thank you for giving of your time and leading the team!

Art Club

Mrs. Jane Loftus, former CCS Art & Bible Teacher, offered an after school Art Club this fall for our elementary and McLain students. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 learned artistic elements of puppetry, while students in Grades 6-12 studied modern art. We were excited to be able to offer this new opportunity to our students! Session 2 begins in November with a focus on burlap and weaving for elementary students and string and print stint for McLain students.

Extra Curricular Opportunities This Fall