Lion's Roar November 2019 Lion's Roar | Page 2


Keith Jones, Class of 1995

For Keith Jones’s parents, Christian education was a top priority! It was so important that when the family moved to Connecticut from Syracuse, NY, at the beginning of Keith’s junior year, his parents selected their housing location specifically for its proximity to CCS. Having attended a Christian school in Syracuse, the Joneses wanted their children to continue their Christian education and believed CCS would be a good fit for them.

Moving at this time in Keith’s life was fairly disruptive to his well-established network of friends; however, Keith found that by participating on the basketball team, this helped him quickly make new and lasting friends at CCS. Keith recalls the close-knit, family environment is what he most appreciates about his time at CCS. The smaller class sizes fostered deep relationships with his classmates and teachers.

One of the biggest

benefits of attending

CCS has been the

enduring friendship he’s maintained with Josh Nalette, a classmate from his graduating class.

After Keith graduated from CCS, he attended Messiah College in Pennsylvania with one-quarter of his class, so he was surrounded by plenty of friends! He majored in accounting due in large part to an influential professor who encouraged him to pursue this field. Keith felt prepared to handle the rigors of school and appreciated the college experience which allowed him to function independently, advocate for himself and sharpen his people skills. Keith graduated from Messiah

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The CCS mission is "to engage and educate young people to know Christ and be equipped to impact the world for God's Kingdom." CCS employs six key strategies to aid in accomplishing the mission. The sixth key strategy is to provide students with opportunities to learn and grow by serving others.

Coordinating service opportunities for students in Pre-K through Grade 12 begins each August as the administration and faculty begins planning two to three "paired grades" service projects for the year ahead. Each elementary grade is paired with a middle or high school grade to identify needs of others and to work together to help meet those needs.

One of Cornerstone's CSIP goals (from the Continuous School Improvement Plan that is associated with our

accreditation) is "to

articulate to students

and their families

a variety of opportunities to become involved in community service through an ongoing system of communication." These opportunities are often communicated to students in Grades 6-12 at their chapels; however, it is our goal to provide parents with the same information through our monthly newsletters so that families can consider together how they might like to serve others. Inside this issue, you will learn about one such opportunity through the Salvation Army on Main Street.

You will soon be hearing about our upcoming 2019-2020 school-wide service project, which will allow our paired grades to work together while also building multi-aged relationships that encourage students to learn mentoring types of skills. Serving others is such a significant part of the Christian's life; we love serving together to the glory of God!

Tonya Snyder Head of School

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Alumni Feature

CCS Mission: Key Strategy #6

from the Desk of the Head of School

Please consider joining the 1981 Club by CLICKING HERE.

December 3rd is