Lion's Roar May 2022 | Page 2



MAY 2022

If you were able to attend our Celebration Banquet on Saturday, 4/23, you would have heard us make several references to the idea of "imagining for the future." I have often thought this year about the MCN folks who were in a Bible study all the way back in 1979 who began praying specifically for their children. As a result of their prayers, they were led by the Spirit to open our Christian school less than two years later. The Cornerstone Christian School opened its doors in 1981 to 56 children in Kindergarten through Grade 6. As we celebrated our 40th birthday in September of this school year (2021), we enthusiastically welcomed through our doors 172 students in Preschool through Grade 12.

I marvel at the faithfulness of God when I look back over the past 40 years, and it gives me great courage and anticipation to follow in the steps of those original praying pioneers to prayerfully imagine for the next 40 years.

I also shared at the banquet a bit about the parallel journeys that God so sovereignly weaves together to accomplish things in us and around us that are far greater than ourselves. In fact, we often do not recognize that expert weaving until we find ourselves reflecting back over past events.

At the same time that those original families were being led to open a Christian school, God was training me to become an elementary school teacher just a couple of towns over. Because Christian education was not readily available in the Greater Hartford Area leading up to my high school graduation in 1980, it was not yet on my radar to even consider teaching at a Christian school. It was not until I had been teaching for eight years in another public school system that I began to feel God nudging me towards Christian education where I could teach my students "the full truth and nothing but the truth."

Do you know anyone whom God might be nudging today to find a career in Christian education? I imagine God knows just who He plans to bring to fill the vacancies we have on staff for next year. He is always so faithful!

Tonya Snyder Head of School

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from the Desk of the Head of School

Teacher Feature


The high school journalism class interviewed Mrs. Brey, who teaches P.E. to students in Pre-K through Grade 12, and she teaches Bible 8.

Q. What brought you to Cornerstone?

As I look back, I can see how God used many experiences over the years to prepare me and lead me to CCS. With a background in fitness (fitness certification and teaching classes at health clubs before having children), teaching different age groups in school systems many years ago, running VBS programs over the years, more recent experiences teaching PE classes at a homeschool coop, and even teaching preschool for a couple of years at the coop, I realize I have worked with every age group over the past 25 years.

Mrs. Jennifer Brey (Interview by the Journalism Class)

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