Held in conjunction with the Canadian Western Agribition continued from page 53
NOVEMBER 30 , 2022 • 7:30 P . M . International Room • Regina , Saskatchewan
TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 29 11:00 a . m . First Lady Futurity & Classic
President ’ s Classic Bull Calf Jackpot
2:00 p . m . |
The “ Chosen One ” Limousin Jackpot |
6:30 p . m . |
Social Hour |
7:30 p . m . |
Solid Gold Sale |
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 1 10:00 a . m . Limousin Show
9:00 a . m . |
Canadian Junior Beef Extreme |
4:00 p . m . |
Agribition Beef Supreme Drive |
SALE CONSULTANT : R & R Marketing Co . Randy Ratliff • 615-330-2735
ENTRY DEADLINE : October 1 , 2022 Late Entry Deadline : October 15 , 2022
MC Marketing Management Kiley McKinna • 402-350-3447 Wiley Fanta • 320-287-0751
LIVESTOCK REP : Canadian Limousin Assoc . Pres . Wayne Burgess • 403-813-8416
AUCTIONEER : Ryan Dorran • 403-507-2735
G K Jim Farms of Okotoks , Alberta , Canada , was named the North American Limousin Foundation Promoter of the Year , January 3 , 2022 . Jerry Wulf is pictured with Tosha Shores and Holt Trip .
efficiency , is a pretty big deal when folks are trying to use some form of a crossbred animal going to a feedyard in a commercial environment .”
On the dairy side , the amount of extra value added to those steer calves is nothing to sneeze at .
“ It ’ s not rocket science ,” Wulf says . “ Dairy steers have low yields and carcass weights . Limousin has the highest yields of any major beef breed in North America . They are known for cutability . Dairy brings quality and marbling to the table ; they just need the muscling , growth and feed efficiency offered by Limousin and Lim-Flex .”
He also says they are looking at more than just carcass traits . With data collection of this scale , thanks to the dairy production system , there may be some hidden gems that come to light . For example , Jim says it ’ s too early to say for sure , but it appears some differences are emerging with respect to health outcomes between different sire groups .
Speaking of the future , Jim points out the beef on dairy programs , like Beef Builder , are not adding more of these cattle than there already were , it ’ s just replacing some of those Holstein steers that didn ’ t perform as well or have as much value .
“ There are about 10 million dairy cows in the U . S . and about a million in Canada ,” Jim says . “ If you do the math , anywhere from 30 % to as high as 50 % could end up being beef on dairy depending on their metrics for replacements . I don ’ t think there is ever going to be 5 million beef on dairy steers in the feedyards , but we might get to 3.5 to 4 million .”
One would think with a proven record of how Limousin and Lim- Flex on dairy genetics perform , that could be an advantage for the breed if more dairies turn to beef on dairy programs .
“ It ’ s obviously going to require a significant volume of beef semen to be produced and utilized ,” Jim points out . “ I don ’ t know the exact numbers , but you ’ re looking at a market for 10 to 15 million doses of semen . That ’ s a pretty big market — that wasn ’ t there before . It ’ s pretty big prize out there for doing it right .”
54 • OCTOBER 2022