Member & Industry News Briefs Commercial Bred Heifer Sale Slated for November on Superior Livestock Auction The Heartland Limousin Association (HLA) will once again sponsor and endorse a Commercial Bred Heifer sale to be held on Superior Auction in November. As of the present time, the auction is scheduled for November 21, 2019. In the November Select Female sale of 2018, the two pot-loads of commercial bred females carrying 50% Limousin calves topped the market. The deadline for entries is November 4, 2019. The video deadline is November 11, 2019. The HLA commercial committee has set forth recommendations for consignments. Commercial bred heifers need no registration. The requirement is that the heifer will carry a Limousin influenced calf. The recommendation is that the calf should be 50% Limousin but a minimum of 25% Limousin influence is a requirement to obtain an endorsement by HLA. All vaccinations and pregnancy checked schedules must conform to Superior Livestock Auction protocol. Also, to achieve maximum price for the consignment, spring calving windows should be no longer than 28 days. Pot-load lots are highly recommended. A pot-load of commercial bred heifers may be consigned by two producers but service sires and calving windows should be similar. For more information, contact the HLA commercial committee members or our Superior Representative. Glenn Treftz – 605/380-0014 Randy Corns – 620/750-0924 Casey Fanta – 320/288-6128 Roger Potter – 701/333-8674 LT LIMOUSIN Today | 91