“One could ask for no better friend than Gene with his bright smile and contagious laugh. He brought happiness to all those around him” - Ken and Sue Ann Holloway “He was a friend to all”- Dean Summerbell “He had such an infectious smile; his heart was bigger than life” - Bruce Brooks “Gene Raymond was the real deal, genuine- not a copy or imitation, a total package” - Hermann and Judy Symens “I always respected him because he checked his brand at the door” - Jim Bob Hendrickson “Gene had a big heart, a smile, and a laugh for everyone that crossed his path. He was a man that truly didn’t know a stranger” - Bruce Brooks “Gene’s wisdom, personality and willingness to mentor others allowed him to become a ‘living legacy’” - Ken and Sue Ann Holloway Loved by many and respected by all, Gene Raymond was one of a kind. He was known to tell a story or two, three or four about the good ol’ days but he always took the time to have a conversation with anyone and everyone. The North American Limousin Foundation proudly inducted Gene Raymond of GV Limousin into the North American Limousin Foundation Hall of Fame on Wednesday, July 3 at the 2019 National Limousin Show & Congress in Springfield, Missouri. Gene was also awarded the 2019 Honorary Member award by the NALJA board. Arne Hanson accepted the award on his behalf during the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. Gene and his wife, Virginia, began GV Limousin in 1978 and grew the herd to over 400 cows. On February 16, 2019 the 28th annual GV sale was held in Garnett, Kansas. Their start in the Limousin breed came after a daughter’s 4-H steer was Champion Carcass Steer and Champion Live Limousin Steer at a 700+ steer show. Gene and Virginia then purchased four Limousin heifers from Ron and Carolyn Holland- who had bred and raised the steer. They had built their cow herd to over 400 registered females and operate GV Limousin with Arne and Stacy Hanson. Gene was a pioneer in the Limousin breed, was quick to adapt to new technology and opportunities in the seedstock business and quickly applied those tools in mission to raise high quality seedstock supplying commercial cattlemen across the United States. Gene graduated from Kansas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. After attending Graham’s School for Cattlemen as a student he became an instructor there in 1973. He was a founding member of the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association and the Heartland Limousin Association. Gene served on the North American Limousin Foundation Board of Directors, even serving as President from 1986-1987. Prior to his passing, Gene chaired the Breed Improvement Committee for NALF membership, a position he was wholly devoted to with the advent and release of BOLT EPDs and the application of new technologies in today’s seedstock business. Gene was truly dedicated to the Limousin breed and working to help make the future bright for the Limousin breed. He was always quick to help the junior association in whatever was needed. He was loved by many and respected by all and we feel his loss immensely. We truly enjoyed our time spent with him and all that we learned. We look forward to continuing Gene’s legacy through the Raymond family. “He will be missed by all those lives he touched. His chores are done here.” Bruce Brooks LT LIMOUSIN Today | 59