looking to wind down your operation , or a brand new up and comer searching to find your footing in the industry , it is never too late or too early to re-affirm or upgrade your farm .
When deciding how to proceed , it is important to assess your holdings with brutal honesty . You are where you are because of a lot of hard work , planning , organization and reality checks along the way . You are also there to create a good product that customers will seek out , desire and purchase . Essentially , you are there for the customer .
Have you upgraded your Limousin genetics for that
74 | JUNE / JULY 2018 customer or has your herd become stagnant ? Producers continue to rapidly improve and upgrade the basic traits and qualities of the Limousin breed and your farm has every right to take advantage of this fact , thereby contributing to its development . Of course , there is always a monetary cost of progress to be considered , but in reality , although the status quo may seem more financially friendly in the short term , properly targeted advancement is undeniably more viable in the long term .
For example , Limousin docility EPD ’ s have taken giant steps forward in the last decades , so make use of them and stop worrying that your cattle will race around the pen when that potential buyer opens the gate . Be honest and cut ties with that bull that has only been producing calves in the lower weaning weight percentile . Yes , he ’ s a pet , but a superior Limousin bull will be just as happy to see you . Adjust uniformity , frame size and reaffirm calving ease and timely re-breeding . Don ’ t brainwash yourself into believing that you have easy calving cows , but then hide your over- used calf puller whenever buyers visit your farm . If you sell and market your replacement heifers , tap into the abundance of excellent Limousin sires with top quality maternal traits . There is no longer any excuse for purposefully putting inferior quality animals into the livestock mainstream as all of these Limousin enhancements can be accomplished by culling harder , cutting ties with inefficient or mediocre cattle in your own herd , and honestly seeking out the upgrades you require from other progressive producers , many of whom are in your own area .
Improve your facilities and infrastructure if necessary and think about publicity . Beyond the fact that you may now appear in the Herd Reference Issue , does anyone care ? It is almost free advertising to do some P . R . work at the local auction barn shaking hands and listening