From which artists do you take inspiration?
Too many to mention but, to give an answer that is probably passé, it would be Dali. He made me realise I'm not mad seeing weird things within normality and why not do whatever you want! Antony Gormley too; his ability to create sculpture that has such vast gravity in its presence …..and some chaos of Hieronymus Bosch. Not that I try to emulate them, but it all helps to fill the cup of fascination.
And there we leave our fascinating chat and let Mark get back to the studio! Even if you haven’t seen Mark’s work at Wimbledon or didn’t get up to Norwich in time, we hope you saw his two pieces in Savill Garden this autumn and we look forward to continue exhibiting Mark’s work for many years to come.
To read more about Mark’s practice and and see more of his sculptures, visit his website: