Lightkeepers Newsletter Fall 2019 Fall 2019 e-version | Page 3

Kidz Dayz 2019 The LCM annual Kidz Dayz summer camp was held from July 8 through August 2. Bayshore Friends Church was home base for the camp. Each year, Lighthouse bridges the summer nutrition gap for neighborhood children who normally receive free or reduced meals at school. The theme for Kidz Dayz 2019 was “Follow the Star”, a Christmas in July celebration. The campers explored the birth of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. Some of the activities the kids enjoyed during the annual month long summer camp included science gurus explaining some astounding physics experiments, a silent disco dance, and petting alligators and snakes. They went on a field trip to the Galveston water park Palm Beach which cooled things down in August. The appearance of the Kona Shaved Ice truck giving free cones was also a cool treat. Their daily activities also included game times, meals and learning about Christ. This summer, 92 children attended Kidz Dayz, 48 volunteers spent 1,948 hours donating their time and talents while also serving more than 2,600 meals. There were 23 kids who accepted Christ into their life during the summer camp. Thanks Bay Area CAP Thanks to our Kidz Dayz Sponsors Rotary Club of Seabrook Galveston County Food Bank Chick-Fil-A Hwy 96 & South Shore Blvd. Onpoint Transportation Rotary Club of League City Houston Food Bank Premier Martial Arts Thank you to the Bay Area CAP (Community Assistance Providers) for filling our pantry with much needed food items and donations. Summer months hit our pantry hard and this couldn’t have been better timing. Hosting an office/church food or toiletry drive is also a great way to support the LCM food pantry. … to shine Christ’s love and hope in our community.