LifeGrid Magazine October 2017 | Page 25

Gratitude. by Lisa Feren. “I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness. It’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” - Brene Brown Gratitude is big stuff like being grateful to be alive, but being grateful is the little stuff too. Being grateful for a catnap in the middle of the day, or getting out of the crazy house for 2 hours to have dinner with a good friend. Regardless of the “things” we are grateful for, I think it is so important to reflect on our lives and practice gratitude daily. Being grateful for what we have and sometimes what we don’t. So you have the flu? Be grateful your husband took such good care of you or that it wasn’t worse. In fact, all the experts say that practicing daily gratitude makes you a happier person. And, focusing on the things that make you happy actually makes you happier. In fact, people who literally practice being grateful are happier people in general. AND, if the Law of Attraction is true, the more you focus on the good, the more good comes your way. Now, I’d say that’s a win-win! So why is being grateful actually difficult to do? Sometimes it’s hard to see the good in our lives or the world in general – especially with so many tragic events going on around us lately. Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves to practice gratitude. In my own life – I used to be a huge comparer. I would compare myself to everyone and everything. It didn’t matter what I had – I always looked at what others had and seemed to fall short. It didn’t matter how skinny I was, someone else always looked better. My great vacation? Someone else went somewhere more exotic and his or her trip was longer. And on and on and on… I knew I was miserable. I knew I had poor self-esteem. I knew I was never happy with anything. My husband would literally wonder why, with so many amazing blessings around me- health, family, and beautiful things – I still miserable? One word. Gratitude. I was not practicing gratitude. I was not itemizing the things in which I was grateful. I was not reflecting on the amazing things that were coming my way (both things I worked hard to achieve and things that came naturally). My world changed when I started to be mindful of these blessings! It changed so much, I started having my kids list a few things they were grateful for each night before bed. I don’t even know you, but I can already help you be more grateful! We should all be grateful to live in San Diego. Where we have year round amazing weather, beautiful beaches and bays and lots of nature to explore. We have clean water, clean air and decent roads that don’t swallow tires whole. Grateful to live in the United States. Yes, it has its share of challenges, but we wake up to freedom of choice, opportunities women do not have in so many other countries and proper and quick medical care. Not arguing whether your insurance is outrageous – because it probably is, but you’re not going to die from lack of available care. Grateful you’re alive and kicking today. Ma ybe your struggles are great. Maybe you’re in the midst of pain, hurt or something else but you’re alive to live another day and by just being alive, you make a positive difference in this world. BUT, on those days when things suck (and we all have those days) and I can’t remember why I should be grateful, here is my “list”: I am grateful for my family. The family I created with my husband and two kids and also for my parents and my in-laws – both sets still married, still being here and an active part of our lives. I am grateful I am able to work from home to raise my school-aged kids and take daily runs with my dog and have lunch with friends. I am grateful for my clients who choose to work with me and put their trust in me. I am grateful for my husband for loving me even when I am not so loveable (I know, I know, hard to believe). I am grateful for my body – regardless of what it looks like – that it carries me around and does what it is supposed to do. I am grateful that I have my health because without it, nothing else is important. I am grateful to be able to afford and stock the kitchen with good, quality and organic non-GMO food and when I don’t want to cook, I have the means to go out to eat. I am grateful for the happy home I helped create. Our house isn’t the biggest or decorated the nicest, but it is our little slice on this Earth. And I am grateful for good hair days. C’mon – who’s not? As we near the month of November and Thanksgiving, I will be posting about gratitude daily on my Handcrafted Marketing Facebook page. Check it out, and do the same on your Facebook page. Let’s keep this gratitude thing going – it really does feel good! With love and gratitude, Lisa Feren LifeGrid® Local Editor - San Diego