Would You Like The
Secret To Having It?
by Susan Shatzer
Are you someone who is struggling with figuring out how to change the things that aren’t
working in your life? Have you read plenty of self-help books, watched webinars, and
attended seminars looking for an answer? Are you beginning to wonder if something else
could be possible?
I have stood where you are now thinking those exact thoughts about just how unhappy
and difficult my life was at the time. I was in a miserable marriage with an
eight-month-old, struggling with a chronic illness, and my closest family lived 8 states
away. My life at that time was crazy upside down and I couldn’t find a way out until one
day, my mentor gently asked me, “Susan, what if this is what you have been asking for?” I
was stunned and silent. WOW! What if I had asked for this? His question was an invitation
to a different possibility that changed my life. I took a stand that day from the deepest
part of my soul and commanded “I’m having it!”
This new space of change led me to look at the different ways I had been taught to do a
good job such as parenting, marriage, coaching, teaching, managing, selling, and more. It
came to my attention how I had been unconsciously entrained to do things the way the
generation before me had and the generation before them had and so on. I was in awe of
how I had been schooled to find the answer, figure out the problem, draw conclusions,
make decisions, judge constantly, and rarely if at all to ask a question.
A great example is to think of a 2-year-old and how often they ask the question WHY?
What if our children are more aware than we are? What if they are willing to see what we
have concluded is not possible? What if they are choosing what works for them and we
are choosing what works for everyone else but us? To figure out WHY the adults in their
lives are doing, saying, and being the insanity of thinking things are going to change, they
ask us WHY? They KNOW there is a different possibility that creates MORE in life which we
adults aren’t choosing. As crazy as it may sound, what if wearing a Princess dress to
church, or a Spiderman costume to school is what creates the ease, joy, and fun in life that
we gave up as children because we were told to get serious and grow up.
Let me ask you, how are you doing with your career, relationships, money flows, and
family life? Do you have total abundance, ease, joy, and fun with them or are you creating
the same thing your parents did maybe even the same way as your parents? When is the
last time you chose to do something because it was FUN? What if it isn’t a dress or
costume like it is for our kids but a simple question of asking, what would be fun for me
I was in a very dark place before becoming aware of this different possibility. Over time, I
found with asking questions and the awareness of how I had been trained to come to
conclusions that amazingly, my life began to radically change! There is an entirely
different way of doing, being, and having on planet Earth that exceeds all my expecta-