doesn ’ t . All of my kids have different abilities , talents and dreams and it ’ s my job to support them in achieving their goals so that they can do their best . They ’ ve each faced their fair-share of disappointment , however they ’ ve also experienced life-changing wins . I understand how challenging it can be and as a result I ’ m well equipped to deal with the highs and lows .
The main challenge that parent ’ s face is getting their kids to understand that if they lose a game , it ’ s not the end of the world . We need to help them manage their expectations to avoid unnecessary disappointment . If parents don ’ t handle this well , it can have catastrophic consequences . My motto is “ we never lose , we only learn ”.
One of the problems that I see time and time again , is parents not listening to their kids . In order to communicate with your child more efficiently , you need to listen more effectively . Don ’ t just hear them , actively listen and reply as though you ’ ve heard them . How you respond will depend on how well you ’ ve listened .
We ’ re all guilty of not listening properly ; life is so busy and sometimes we ’ re not always present . I set aside five or ten minutes per day to have a private one-on-one chat with my boys so that they can tell me all their woes and have mummy ’ s undivided attention . The boys know they can chat to me about anything and this is their time to talk and my time to listen . This simple strategy has worked wonders .
My services are not just limited to parents with children in sport ; I ’ ve also helped mums who struggle with their own confidence and anxiety issues , business women who are holding themselves back from achieving their goals , and women who generally feel stuck-in-a-rut .
If you ’ re looking for some tips on how to build confidence , you can download my free e-book on my website www . lisarenda . com .
I ’ m currently offering a complimentary first session so if you need any guidance or support , for your child or yourself , please get in touch as I ’ d love to have a chat with you to see how I can help .
Call me on 0434 515 442 or email at lisa @ lisarenda . com .
“ The minute I met Lisa , I felt at ease and 100 % comfortable . We worked through some achievable goals to better myself physically and mentally . Lisa helped me realise things about myself that I didn ’ t know existed . She gave me the tools and information to help me figure out what I needed to do !” - Bridie Patterson
“ Lisa is professional , approachable , kind and funny – the perfect teacher ! She pin-pointed what I was doing wrong in my life and helped me shift patterns that were holding me back . I ’ m so happy with the outcome and the changes I ’ ve made – I can ’ t wait to see what the future holds ! I would HIGHLY recommend Lisa to all my family and friends !” - Simone Vinski lisarenda . com
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