by Naja Hayward
here’s something truly others in my career and my personal
beautiful about the life since I was a little girl.
process of uncovering
your purpose.
And as I did that, my little tea compa-
ny that could, had become a brand
In 2008, I thought I sold by other brands around the
discovered mine.
world. I began being interviewed in
magazines. Doing live talks as an
I officially launched a wholesale tea entrepreneur. And I started to be seen
company that I had been conceptual- by other entrepreneurs as someone
izing for months before being fired who they wanted to support them in
from a job I had put my heart and their business.
soul into.
It was this reality that birthed a power-
My heart because I looked forward ful realization.
to waking up every morning and
walking into that oceanfront crafts- Tea was my passion…
man home-turned-office in Long
Beach, CA to negotiate contracts, Supporting other women to bring
speak with educators, and know that their beautiful ideas to life… THAT
I was a part of something that was was my purpose.
making a difference in the world.
In 2014, my life began to make a
My soul because, while in this job, I huge transition.
would observe the owner of the com-
pany impacting crowds of thousands I closed my tea company. I moved
every month as she stood firmly in her from Lakewood where I had been
purpose. My soul was being fed in a living, to Long Beach, which had
way it hadn't before.
become my home. A place where my
heart remained despite all that had
If you've never experienced or seen it happened in my former career.
first hand, a woman who stands in
her purpose is a site to behold.
Long Beach gave me a chance to
create a new network of friends,
There is a courage and confidence connections and people who helped
that is indisputably present.
me become better in my work.
This heart and soul work allowed me Long Beach gave me an opportunity
to see myself in a new light.
to find myself in a new way… to
become the ME I was born to be.
Having been fired allowed me to go
out and spread my own wings. To This is what purpose is about…
explore my own greatness. To shine
my own light! This from someone who It's not about finding it.
had so easily hid behind the light of
It's not like some treasure that's buried
and waiting for you to dig up.
Your purpose is about living your life
day-to-day and, in each moment,
each challenge, each difficulty, and
beauty of life…
You come to see that THIS is what
your purpose is all about.
Naja Hayward
THRIVE with Naja