LifeGrid Magazine February 2017 | Page 8

“ Her integrity and clarity instil motivation and a clear pathway to excellence .” @ MELISSA PERRY ¬ CEO , COMMUNICARE LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID . COM . AU FEBRUARY 2017




‘ Why do I do what I do ?’


AM A FIRM BELIEVER THAT WE ALL have untapped strengths and as yet uncovered genius . Sometimes , though – life , in all its glory gets in the way of being able to see that about ourselves . Sometimes , it is our own unhelpful self-chatter , sometimes the chatter of others about ourselves .
And yet – if we could just get out of our own way – and be able to hold a mirror up , we would see the beauty , strength and genius that lies within each one of us .
So I help people get out of their own way . Why do I do what I do ? Because of these people and these stories …
And I do it so that they can see all the good that lies within . And then help them to map out a path that uses all that good , all the unique strengths and their specific genius to help them find their passion , their purpose , their reason for being in this life .
Sometimes , it ’ s a quite specific piece of work that looks at a narrow part of a person ’ s work life . Often , it ’ s more wide-ranging – looking at the whole of a life rather than just one element . So why do I do what I do ? And why do I love this work ? I do it and love it because of these stories …
For the accountant who had always told herself that she couldn ’ t speak in public , who remembered that as a kid she had always loved performing and that more than that , was great at it – who then went on to rock her first facilitated session with a group of her peers .
For the scientist who realised that her words and actions were so powerful and that if she could just use them for good , that she could be such an amazing force for good within the organisation .
For the analyst who came to know that she was good enough , that she did deserve this role , that she was contributing , that she did matter .
For the person who reminded himself that he had done hard things before , that he had overcome obstacles , and that he could do this too .

“ Her integrity and clarity instil motivation and a clear pathway to excellence .” @ MELISSA PERRY ¬ CEO , COMMUNICARE LIFEGRID MAGAZINE | LIFEGRID . COM . AU FEBRUARY 2017