Life Magazine June 3rd | Page 12


My Life: Angela Smith

My name is Angela Smith and I am 17 years old. I was born at the Gundersen Lutheran hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin. I am now a junior at North Fayette Valley High School. When I was a little girl, I loved to sing and I still do today. I had a plastic microphone that I would always sing into and I would dance around the house. I also liked to sit in the clothes basket in the laundry room because I thought the clothes basket was a boat and if I didn’t sit in it, I would be in the water. I also liked to play soccer when I was younger and I was on a soccer team when I was in first grade. I played soccer at the YMCA in Postville, Iowa and the soccer team I was playing on, we had games against other soccer teams in the surrounding area. Soccer is one of the sports I still love to play today. I was an outgoing person and wasn’t shy or afraid at all. Not like today, I’m a shy and quiet person who doesn’t

talk much. When I was 7 years old, my family decided to move from the small town of Castalia, Iowa to the slightly larger town of Clermont, Iowa.I was an outgoing person and wasn’t shy or afraid at all. Not like today, I’m a shy and quiet person who doesn’t talk much. When I was 7 years old, my family decided to move from the small town of Castalia, Iowa to the slightly larger town of Clermont, Iowa. At first I was scared because that meant that I would have to move to a new town and a new school, leaving all of my old friends behind. I quickly made friends though, and first grade was a very good year for me. When I was living back in my old house, I had a dog called Lucky that we had for a few years. We named my dog that because when he was born, he was only born with one ear and we named him Lucky because of that. A year before we moved, Lucky passed away because he

had diabetes and we had to put him to sleep. It was hard for me losing Lucky because he was the first pet I ever had. I got over the sadness though and looked on to the future. After first grade, I went on to Second grade and that didn’t go too bad. Then there came 3rd grade where I had Mrs. Weber as a teacher. I liked being in third grade, I had a lot of friends and I liked the teacher that I had. Each year of elementary school passed and then came Junior High. I was not looking forward to Junior High at all. It meant harder classes and being more on my own. I got through Junior High, which wasn’t terrible after all, and after 8th grade ended, it was the thought of going to High school. I wasn’t looking forward to high school because I was going to be a freshman and would be an underclassman. Freshman year was