Library Journey February 2014 | Page 6

The Internet is an incredible, vast resource of information. Sometimes it feels like it has all the answers or can take you anywhere you want to go via photos, videos, and journal accounts.

But it might surprise you that an entire web exists that Google can't reach. It's called the Deep Web. Access to the Deep Web usually involves a paid subscription. Libraries subscribe to these databases and provide free access to its members.

Here's a quick rundown:

Mode of transportation

Library databases vs. websites


* Subscription only

* Contain scholarly, high quality articles

* Articles written by known, vetted authors

* Subject-specific and keyword searches

* Citations to credible sources

* Published articles are permanent


* Open to anyone with a connection

* Anyone can post anything

* Anonymous and pseudonyms prevalent

* Keyword search and ad-sponsored results

* Information may not be cited or linked to credible sources

* Quality analysis is time consuming

* Content is fluid, subject to change, or disappears

Getting There