Liberty International Issue #1 | Page 19

when she was young. The tradition of foot binding had changed in the 20th century because now women aren’t forced to do it.

In China, they had a law called One Child Policy which meant each family could have only one child and that child had to be a boy. Families who were expecting a daughter as their first child would sometimes either kill the baby when it was born, the

mother had to get an abortion or they would leave the baby somewhere outside. In a blog titled All Girls Allowed, it said “one field researcher has concluded that he is fairly certain that most of the 13 million annual abortions are forced.” Sometimes if the mother wanted to keep the baby knowing it was a girl, she would be forced to have an abortion in order to get rid of the fetus. Husbands even left their pregnant wife if they found out the baby was going to be a girl and most of the time, the husbands side of the family even forced the wife to abort the baby because it was a girl. But as time went on, rules began to change and things were improving. Charities began to open up and help women raise their daughters because its hard for women to work and raise kids on their own if no one helps them. It has been reported that there has been 13 million abortions done in China per year and 35,000 abortions per day. Abortions in China are slowly decreasing and now women can keep their baby even if it is a girl.

In contrast to the information I found online, I asked three girls who currently live in China about the lifestyle now and only one responded. The questions were what do you know about women's right in China? Have you ever seen them get treated really badly? Have you ever seen a woman stand up to her husband? What do you think about the way women are treated? and lastly what would you do to help make a change? A girl named Alexandra who is eighteen years old responded saying women are free especially in cities and she’s never seen women get treated badly. Women don’t stand up to their husband in public and they are treated fairly. One common thing in China is that women are expected to have children but if they're unable to, then they are pressured into it. Even though women do get treated kind of unfairly, men get treated the same from the women’s side of the family. Lastly, if she saw anything, she wouldn’t help to make a change because it is a cultural thing and it happens in other places in Asia like Korea.

Women were and sometimes still are neglected today. They are not treated with respect and are even abused at times. Reports have shown that in China, suicide rates are higher for women while in other parts of the world, men have higher rates in suicide. People are always being forced into things they don’t feel comfortable with and have to change themselves just to be accepted by others. In China, women had to bind their feet at a young age just so they can get married in the future. This action prevents them from walking and dancing properly now that they are older. They were also abused and couldn’t stand up for themselves because it was accepted in their culture. If a woman decided to stand up for herself, she could have gotten kicked out of the family because the man has more power. Lastly women couldn’t even have more than one child and it had to be a boy because males are considered better than females. They expect boys to continue as the leader in their family and they continue to abort and kill babies if they’re girls. Now as time is changing, laws are changing as well. Women aren’t being forced to have one child and have more freedom in the city.