Liberty International Issue #1 | Page 11

The minor change doesn’t make any difference because even if they are allowed to have another child, they need permission from the government and if they don't get permission, they will have to abort the baby. This isn’t fair because the government shouldn't be telling you how to live your life.

This quote is basically saying that not every family is allowed to have a second child. The minor change doesn’t make any difference because even if they are allowed to have another child, they need permission from the government and if they don't get permission, they will be aborted. Its not the governments choice or decision on how many kids each family should have because it shouldn’t matter to them.

The government of China should fully stop one child policy because it is making many families unhappy. They shouldn’t underestimate females and rely everything on males because women are also capable of doing things men can do. Men may work to earn money for the family, but women work in the house cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids and etc. The end to one child policy will make a big change for the people in China and will improve the lives of families. If families still want to follow the rules, then they can but if they don’t want to, then they don’t have to.