Liberty International Issue #1 | Page 10

According to, “Reports abound that China has “eased” the policy, giving the false impression that China has abandoned coercive family planning. It has not. Rather, China has merely lifted the ban on a second child, if either parent is an only child. This is not a wholesale “easing” of the One Child Policy. It is a minor adjustment”. This quote shows us that nothing major changed in the policy and the government still have rules against families having two kids. Due to this action by the government, it has been predicted that a few years later, a lot of men will not find any women to marry because there are a lot less females than males.

china's one child policy

Why should the women in China give up their child just to fulfill the government's expectations? Why is having one boy and one girl necessary? Doesn’t everyone have the right to their own decisions? The government does not have the right to interfere with peoples decisions on their life about kids.

The Chinese government has told the people of China how to live by telling them how many kids they should have. If the families didn’t listen to the government, the mother would have to have an abortion no matter how many months the baby is. Even though China improved their One Child Policy, it still doesn’t allow all families to have more kids. They have not fully removed the policy, all they did is just changed it a bit.

The one child policy doesn’t really make a difference in many lives because there are rules that you have to follow in order to have another child. According to, “The changes to the one-child policy, first announced last month, will mean couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents was an only child, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. Currently, both parents must be sole children to be eligible for a second child.”

By: Zannatul Farah