Li`l Elves Issue 1:1st December | Page 5

Rebecca’s eyes started to tear. She was sad about Snowflake melting. That sunset would be the first and last Snowflake would ever see. Then suddenly, in the distance a plane was flying towards them. But it wasn’t a plane. It was Santa’s sleigh with Santa in it! Santa dropped an envelope out of the sleigh above their heads. It swayed and swished around and around until it softly landed on the snow. Joey, being the oldest, decided to run and get it. He opened it and read it.

It said “Dear Joey and Rebecca,

As part of your Christmas presents this year, I have given Snowflake the wish to be alive every Christmas day.

Yours sincerely – Santa Claus”

And every year after that Joey and Rebecca played with Snowflake on Christmas day…

The end.

By: Stephen Lindsay