LGBT+ Role Models in Sport 1 | Page 2


Name : Emma McNally
Year of Study : 4th year
Subject : Music Sport ( s ): Women ’ s football
1 . What is your greatest achievement in sport ?
Learning to run again after having two knee surgeries definitely overshadows any previous sporting achievements I ’ ve had . It ’ s certainly the one I ’ ve worked the hardest for and now enjoy the most .
2 . How has being a part of a sport ’ s club benefited your time at UofG ?
Joining the Womens ’ Football Club has been the best thing I ’ ve done at uni . I ’ ve made so many new friends and improved my fitness . Training has also been a great means of unwinding after a tough day at uni especially when I ’ m tired and can ’ t really be bothered knowing that other people will be expecting me there pushes me to get up and go . I ’ ve found that taking part in regular sport has not only improved my physical wellbeing but also my mental .
3 . What would you say to those who are new to sport / anxious about using the gym ?
Starting a new sport or using the gym for the first time can be a bit