LFDA Brochure & Class Schedules 2022-2023 | Page 7


Our academy jazz classes blend the technical styles of ballet and modern ; while teaching principles of correct placement , line and movement quality in an upbeat , ever moving environment . Jazz dance showcases individual style , originality , unique movements , fancy footwork , big leaps and quick turns . Various music styles will be used in our energetic and fun classes . C level classes offered .
JAZZ 1 ( 8Y +) provides a strong technical foundation while exploring rhythm and movement dynamics through energetic exercises and choreography .
JAZZ 2 provides a deeper understanding of jazz technique including a focus on pirouettes , leaps , jumps and core work . Teacher recommendation only .
JAZZ 3 further explores jazz technique and introduces the contemporary / lyrical style into the exercises and choreography . Concurrent registration in a Ballet class is required at this level and above . Teacher recommendation only .
JAZZ 4 consists of intermediate jazz and contemporary / lyrical work and presents material at a challenging pace . Concurrent registration in a Ballet class is required at this level and above . Teacher recommendation only .
JAZZ 5 consists of advanced jazz and contemporary / lyrical work while focusing on more complex floor work , leaps , turns , and combinations and demanding a mature approach to the understanding of movement . Concurrent registration in a Ballet class is required at this level . Teacher recommendation only .


Modern dance is the exploration of the basic elements of dance : time , space , energy , relationships and the coordination of our bodies . It builds on the student ’ s natural creativity to develop an understanding of the essence of all dance forms . Strong technique , strength , flexibility , and nurturing the love of dance is the goal of our modern dance program . Styles taught include : Martha Graham , Horton , Cunningham , Humphrey-Limon and Release techniques as well as the Arve and GAGA techniques .
MODERN 1 ( 8Y +) introduces the basics of modern dance and encourages creative study through improvisation techniques .
MODERN 2 deepens skills and choreographic understanding while focusing on pirouettes in various forms as well as strengthening through core work , jumps and leaps .
MODERN 3 will focus on technique and is the stepping stone for more advanced modern work . Concurrent registration in a ballet class is required at this level and above .
MODERN 4 will consist of intermediate modern technique . This is an extended time class which presents material at a challenging pace .
MODERN 5 will consist of advanced modern technique . This class demands a mature approach to the understanding of movement and the principles of choreography .