Lexington January Newsletter | Page 6

Message From the President
Greetings LGCC members ,
Happy New Year to you all ! I hope the holiday season brought you and your family enjoyment and relaxation , and I expect you feel relief and excitement as we start fresh in 2021 . Speaking of starting fresh , I am excited that we begin the year with a commitment to a robust monthly newsletter to keep our members engaged . This publication , which will be distributed in addition to the ongoing communications , should be a very engaging piece focused on keeping you , the members , up to speed with the happenings at the club . This would not be possible without the hard work of Sales & Marketing Director , Debra Goglia and board member , Bev Burks , so a huge thank you to these two ladies for taking charge in producing this monthly piece . Should you have additions or suggestions to enhance the newsletter , I encourage you to reach out to either Debra or Bev as I am sure they would welcome your feedback .
Although we have turned the page with the new year , unfortunately we are still facing the ( hopeful ) final stretch of the COVID-19 saga . That said , our staff are working tirelessly to provide valuable member experiences whilst following the strictest of guidelines in order to protect everyone ’ s wellbeing . Please know that this is our top priority , and that we remain committed to serving our members to the fullest extent during this difficult time . Should you have questions or feedback , please do not hesitate to contact our General Manager , Paul Hassell , or myself .
I would also like to take this opportunity to formally welcome our new Chef , Jeffrey Edwards to the club ! Chef Jeff joins our team following a multi-year run as the head chef at Southern Inn Restaurant downtown and brings a wealth of experience and passion to our Food & Beverage team . Chef has been working hard since his arrival to enhance our product offering , so please expect further communications about new offerings , both for in-person dining as well as for exciting takeout options . Welcome Chef Jeff !
In closing , before we look to the year ahead , I would like to quickly pause and thank each one of you for your commitment to our club throughout 2020 . It is no secret that last year was a tough year across many aspects of our lives . The effects of the year were no different here at the club as we handled COVID-19 , a transition in our management company , and uncertainty as to a potential partnership with W & L . As we move forward in the year ahead , I , along with the board and our management team , ask for continued commitment on your part as we work to bring normalcy back to our daily lives and to the club experience . Our ability to succeed not only in the year ahead , but also in the long-term , rests solely on our members staying committed and engaged . In return for your commitment , I pledge , along with our leadership team , 1 ) to work tirelessly to provide a valuable experience and product offering to our members , and 2 ) to enhance the ongoing communication to our membership to ensure we are all well-informed across all club events , discussions , and opportunities . Here ’ s to a great year ahead !
Cheers ,

Jason Melvin

Board President