Let's Go! Aerospace Issue No. 4 — Fall 2023 | Page 13

Students will also have the opportunity to travel to the Moon ! Working with ASK ’ s trusted partners at Kerbal Space Program , ASK introduces students to the challenges and technological advancements involved in sending humans back to the Moon . ASK staff will guide students to build and recreate the various space technologies and logistics that the upcoming Artemis missions have undergone over the past decade . Students will experience for themselves how to plan , design , test , and fly missions to the Moon and land there . Along the way , students learn the importance of how to learn from designs that do not work , setbacks , and unique problem-solving dilemmas that require patience , creative thinking , and teamwork .
As commercial aviation is the world ’ s largest and most impactful integrated industry , this program introduces students to the many layers involved in helping this industry run , grow , and innovate .
Beginning with a self-paced introduction to the history of commercial aviation and the current functioning and challenges facing the industry , this program then has students work individually and in small teams to build a hypothetical airline . Depending on their stated interests , students will collectively decide on elements like the airline ’ s name , fleet , routes , business models , livery , logo , colors , marketing plan , and more . Students will end up with a far more sophisticated introduction to the commercial aviation industry than most of their peers , giving them a leg up in any pursuit of career interests in the field .
With a shortage of pilots and generations of students who are asking , “ Why does this even matter ?” it has never been more important to expose youth to the beauty and excitement of aerospace . There are so many ways to plan for the future and be excited about the life you want to have ; you just have to be brave enough to ACCESS it !
FALL 2023 — ISSUE NO . 04 13