Let's Go! Aerospace Issue No. 4 — Fall 2023 | Page 12

ASK is now supporting Toby by helping with his applications to volunteer at museums with historic aircraft and facilitating meetings with organizations involved with World War II aircraft restoration . ASK will also support Toby in securing internships and first-hand experience to achieve his goals .
“ I think the main thing it showed me was the variety in career options , and that having a career in aviation or space doesn ’ t necessarily mean being a pilot or aerospace engineer . There are so many unique options , and in a way it made me less sure of what job I want . But I view this as a good thing , since it shows me the importance of spending time to figure out what careers I would be interested in pursuing .”
After completing the workshops , the students will have the opportunity to add the experience to their resumes and will have gained a better understanding of what it may be like to work in a given career . The first such workshop to take place will be an Aircraft Accident Investigation workshop . This workshop will introduce students to the various elements involved in investigating aircraft accidents , including forensics , photography , crew resource management evaluation , weather research , mechanical malfunction investigation , and more . With this background , students will then work together in various teams to “ solve ” a hypothetical accident with the assistance of ASK staff and subject matter experts . This workshop is meant to introduce students to all the various factors involved in keeping aviation / aerospace focused on safety , while also protecting innovation ; it is also an ideal introduction to the intricate connections between all areas of the industry .
The ACCESS program has expanded in the last year to include “ Phase Two ” workshops — workshops guided and focused around different specific topics in aerospace . The students will work individually and in teams with experts in the subject matter for each workshop .